Saturday, June 26, 2010


Blogspot you have been great to me and its been real... but I cheated on you and I think I have fallen in love with tumblr.... if you would like to continue to keep up with me here is where you can find me ....


Friday, June 25, 2010

There is good music.... you just have to look for it. Suai...

Stumbled across this artist a few days ago... and I love this song. "Wrote you a love song" is beautifully written and beautifully sang. I am Looking forward to her album release this Summer. Suai is signed to Universal Motown and has a beautiful and soulful voice that was so remarkable to me.. I wanted to share it. Enjoy :-)

ok so I tried to link her song and it wont let me... here is her myspace you can hear it there :-)

NEW Almost Wrote You a Love Song by Suai (

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I wish...

I wish I had the courage to just cut my hair off....Never wear make up..... and fall in love.... Off with the jewelry, the designer clothes, the expensive bags, Even throw away my phone.....Live my life and do only the things that make me smile and keep me free.... then look in the sky and be completely grateful that I'm nowhere else but where I want to be.....

But I'm so caught up... I wouldn't even know where to start.... so I comb my hair and play my part.

I know I'm not the only one.....


VERISIMILITUDE ... by definition

Noun: ver·i·si·mil·i·tude (v r -s -m l -t d , -ty d ). n.

1. The quality of appearing to be true or real.

2. Having the mere appearance of truth or seeming to be real.

AKA My new favorite word!!!!

its a noun so I can describe people... places... and things.... like that Louis Vuitton bag you keep knocking into me with when you walk past......

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I was thinking....

Everything I own started out as an idea... I'm driving an idea.. I live in an idea.. I sleep on an idea... I'm typing on an idea... theres an idea in my pocket..... you get my point. The worse thing I could ever do is not focus intently on my ideas and bring them to life... my freedom will manifest from my ideas and hopefully someone else's freedom too.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

187k sold day 1

Thank Drake Now or Thank him later.. either way he's winning. I love the album personally... it has a vibe that caters to my life whether Im running my daily 4 miles, typing a paper, or chilling at the house. Its great music that feels good and at the same time theres almost a Sade type vibe to it with songs like "Karaoke"..... the entire album just flows together. I agree that he made it for the ladies... but we buy albums :-I.... *shrug* A friend of mine described it as So Far Gone on steroids.. I agree. Props to him for not abandoning the sound that he won with. Even though it doesn't have a "Best I ever Had" on it "Fancy" is a pretty great substitute. My favorite song for today is "Show Me a Good Time" and with production from Kanye West and No ID its a obvious win. For those of you that downloaded the album 2 weeks ago and have been updating your twitter, facebook status, and bbm status with his lines... go "thank him" and actually buy the album. Support Good Music or Lose Good Music. Its your choice.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Kelly Price "Tired"

OMG she is sangin! Thank you Kelly, I am so happy to hear good music is becoming popular again :-)

check it out... fyi i tried to find it on itunes and its not there :-( hopefully soon because I need this song in my life.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Something Special is on the Horizon

I can feel it!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rest In Peace Lena Horne

Just found out Lena Horne passed away yesterday at 92 years old. She was a beautiful, talented, inspiration to many. Celebrate her :-).

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Day Late But.....

Happy Mothers Day!

I spent the day with people I love! If your mother is still alive I hope you showed her lots of love yesterday! She deserves it!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter - Resurrection Sunday

Hope everyone had a great one, I know I did. I went to church with my family and heard a very inspiring message... everything isn't so great right now but there are some wonderful things on the horizon and I have faith that everything will work out better than ok.

Peace and Love

Friday, April 2, 2010

She Does it Again.....

I love Erykah... just wanted to say that. She stands for something... not many artists do.....say what you want about her but she has a life long fan in me.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Love is definitely in the air!

I was wondering yesterday if I will look up one day and all of my friends will be married. It seems as if my friends and family are popping up engaged all around me and I'm so excited about it. It seems winter was the season of finding a soul mate because a lot of these engagements are fairly new connections. Im convinced that you can just meet someone and know that they are the one. Love is beautiful and seeing all of these amazing connections gives me hope that one day I will be in love too. :-) So thank you to my friends who are taking that next step and committing to spending their lives with someone, they all know who they are.

The Laws of Thinking

So......... Ive been reading this book and its amazing me more and more every day as I finish each chapter. Im more confident than ever about the direction my life is taking, the people who are making their way into my life, and my dreams manifesting into reality before my eyes. If you have a vision for your future (and everyone should) this is a great book to read with an open mind. Bishop E. Bernard Jordan explains each law so clearly and with such great examples that I cant help but to take the time and blog and hopefully convince someone to buy this book, take their future into their hands and move forward the way we were all put here to do. I noticed a close friend of mine was reading it and I questioned her about it. At first I was caught off guard by the 1st chapter of the book and the ideas he was introducing, especially with my background and what I had always been taught by my parents, teachers, pastors, and friends. However after taking the time to open my mind and really take into account everything he was saying I must say I was impressed and moved to start acting immediately. Anyway, I'm rambling... go get the book. :-)

If I do nothing else in Life......

I want to be good to people and treat people with love and respect regardless of who they are. Lately its been on my mind, I notice how people are so selective with who they decide to simply smile at or speak to. Never forget, the tables always turn and one day you may be in the position where you need that janitor, that waitress, that person who didn't look important to have mercy on you.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tip of the Day

Don't do permanent things with temporary people.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tip of the Day

Everyone Is NOT Your Friend.

Dont find yourself devastated over someone who was never your friend... especially in the music industry.... categorize people for who they are and take care of you.

Repetition Makes Easy

There are so many great people in the industry that started out mediocre... without naming names I will say today I came to the conclusion that anyone who repetitiously works at something will get better.. its just science. However imagine if the greats worked just as hard as the mediocre instead of assuming they will always be the best... nothing lasts forever.... and someone is always coming for your spot. Be prepared.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Support great Music

SADE - Soldier of Love
The promo video wouldn't let me embed it here :-( but I found this one and I love this song too :-)

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Why are the Saints colors Black and Gold?

South Louisiana has historically been a hub for the oil industry. A nickname for oil is "Black Gold". From the phrase came the Saints colors.


I'm still a die hard Eagles fan but since I had to choose for the Super Bowl I decided Imma cheer for Reggie Bush... he looks nice in his uniform lol.

Anyway I wore all black (with gold jewelry) for the Saints today... next week Im gonna wear all black for Singles Awareness Day AKA Valentines Day... 2 Sundays in a row... ALL BLACK ErrrrTHANG! LoL

Friday, January 22, 2010

love this

LIFE is a challenge not a competition... a journey not a destination


Saturday, January 9, 2010


This baby girl has something that cant be taught lol I know a few people that need lessons from her.
A friend of mine blogged about this and I just still cant stop watching it lol! No matter how many times I watch it though I'm so scared shes gonna fall off this table sheesh. (Shout out to Scarlet)

Random New Work Out Song

I have a special work out play list in my ipod but for some reason I kept this song on repeat and ran 4 miles straight no problem yesterday lol. Its just such a nice feel to it helped me keep my pace and felt great. Good one CB, I like.